Saturday, February 23, 2008

Talking Points # 3

Dennis Carlson, Gayness, Multicultural Education, and Community

  • Normalizing Community

  • Education

  • Multicultural
  • Gay

  • Lesbian

  • Curriculum

  • Sterotypes

Author's Argument

"Carlson Argues that there maybe a democratic, multicultural community represented in schools (sexual identity) for homosexuals", America is dominated in a normalizing community, where there is privilege for (white, middle class, male, heterosexuals)"


  • "Public schools in particular have often promoted "normalizing"in a community that are based on definig a cultural or "norm" and postioming class, gender, race, and sexual othersat the margins".
  • "Normalizing texts systematically exclude and neglect the culture of those outside the norm for the purpose of ratifying or legitimizing the dominant culture as the only significant culture worth studying".
  • "Community gets redefined in a noninclusive manner so that we are unable to articulate a comon or "public" interest"


To be honest the text was very hard for me to follow, because it was so much information to put in; if that makes sense. I really have a big issue on the statement that was made" homosexuality is contagious", I do not agree with it at all.; This is only a way for the school department to decline homsexual teachers to teach in schools. Other then that Carlson declared his point in giving examples to support his ideas.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Talking points #2

Richard Rodriguez, Aria

  • Family
  • Language
  • Change
  • Diversity
  • Individuality
  • Culture
  • Embarassment

Author's Argument

'Rodriguez argues that when your family is from a foregin country, you automatically loose your own individuality; because "one is obliged to adapt to an unfamiliar language" it is hard to change what one is used too.


  • The nun would persist, 'Richard stand up. Don't look at the floor. Speak up, speak to the entire class, not just to me; But I couldn't believe that the english language was mine to use.
  • I neede a full yaer of special attention
  • I couldn't use Mama and Papa. They would have been too painful reminders of how much had changed in my life.


'Rodriguez expresses his feelings about change through his family and education. It is hard for him to adjust to speaking english in the beginning, but he noticed that him and his family learning english seems to pull them apart. Learning english and to speak properly is a struggle; especially if it is not your first language. I really can not realte to this situation, but my parents are from Nigeria, and I know it was hard for them to adjust. I wish I could speak Nigerian to my parents. I only can understand I kmow some words, but can not speak fluently, which is sad! I really liked when Richard finally spoke up in class, and felt equal instead of being looked at as the kid that couldn't speak english.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Talking Points

Peggy Mclntosh, "White Privilege"
  • White Privilege
  • Ignorance
  • Dominance
  • Overpower

Mclntosh argues that white people have a better privilege in the world; than people of color do. Being white puts her in advantage.

Mclntosh points out the privileges

  • I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed.
  • I can be pretty sure that my neighbors in such location will be neutral or pleasant to me.
  • I can chose blemish or badages in" flesh" color that more or less matches my skin.

In reading the text I liked the way Mclntosh points out her ideas, she makes a statement that I truly agree on. "This is not such a free country; ones life is not what one makes of it; many doors open for certain people through no virtues of their own". I agree with this staement, because If all the things she has pointed out in the text are true; we are NOT living in a free country. I can see some similarties in this textand Johnson's piece "Privilege, Power, and Difference, They bothe discuss almost the same thing. Both authors state some of the privilegesof the white race; going out shopping, and not being followed, not being looked at in a different way. Mclntosh stated her facts and mind very well, all she wants is freedom and equality for all.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


This is my blog

Saturday, February 9, 2008

About Me

Hello my name is Felicia Asiana, this is my second year attending RIC. I transfered from CCRI, which I am glad I did. When I am not in Class I am usually worknig At MLK as an YMCA after school Counselor.